
Substipharm and its generous support to Tanzania School Trust

Substipharm is a French and international company whose mission is to provide worldwide more affordable Healthcare and to improve access to medicines by supplying pharmaceutical products to patients. It is also where Nora, a friend of Tanzania School Trust, works.

In summer 2019, Nora was able to arrange a meeting with Sustipharm’s CEO in France, Leopold BERTHIER, to talk about the charity and its commitments. Besides presenting the vision for the charity, Nora also explained that one of the biggest costs was going into the school’s rent and showed pictures of the unfinished school building. Leopold was touched by the idea of helping the children and families of Arusha, Tanzania! He also understood the fact that he and Substipharm could play such an impactful role to the lives of so many by donating and helping to build the school. 

Leopold’s proposition was naturally driven by his previous commitments in humanitarian causes and by his own belief ; “At the end of the day, it is important to think about how we want the world to change, or what changes we want to see in the world. (We should be) Feeling lucky about what we have and giving back to those who don’t, even a little piece of it.“

His action is inspiring! Leopold also shared some advice about the ways in which they can function to make the charity more sustainable. He also gave Nora the opportunity to share what good they did together with the whole company. Tanzania School Trust thanks Leopold for his kindness and clarity on how simple decisions can change the futures of many!

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